Saturday, August 29, 2020

Twenty Fucking Twenty

I'm going to preface the entirety of this/these blog posts by saying, this isn't for you, it's for me. By that I mean, this is basically going to be an open window into my thoughts. I'll also warn you that I'm a mediocre, at best, writer.  I'll jump around between thirty topics within three run-on sentences and have a myriad of grammatical errors. Most of the time, I'll get to a point. So, if you're a writing purist, this isn't the place for you. If we're mere acquaintances, you will most definitely get to know me better by reading this.  If you are my parents,  you probably know where this is ultimately going.  Around four to five entries then a ten year hiatus.  If you're my in-laws, reading this blog may be about as uncomfortable as the time we all saw The Book of Mormon live. Maybe only slightly less so. Also, I cannot apologize enough for the gratuitous use of the word "dick" and the occasional "fuck." If you're new here, I'll tell you that I come from an incredibly odd and diverse family and that I'm as liberal as they get. This is a place safe from hate and bigotry.  If I'm honest with myself, there will be no new people here. Realistically, this is a safe space for the 6-8 of you that will be reading this.  This is the Honda Pilot of blogs.  

Anyway, welcome to my blog.  Its 2020, our country is run by the equivalent of a moldy dishrag(I know I just said this is a place free from hate, but fuck that guy), the place I consider home is burning to the ground from wildfires, the racist underbelly of our country is finally showing its ass and I cannot take my eyes off of our newborn daughter, Murphy.  One amazing thing to, for the moment, distract me from the seemingly relentless bad.  However much I don't want them to be, they are and will forever be intertwined.  Our daughter, Murphy was born in the middle of a self-induced pandemic and will have to grow up in a country dealing with continued racism and an ever changing climate.  My wife, Michelle deserves her own award for growing and ultimately birthing our child with poise and grace during a time of complete and utter chaos.  She kept me from falling down the proverbial rabbit hole many times all while being a badass at her job and navigating her own physical and mental changes.  She's the best.  

I think that should wrap up my introductory blog.  I'll try to keep these up at least weekly for the foreseeable future.  I mean, I've got a newborn, I'm swimming in free time.  While I'd like to think I'll keep these as PG-13 as possible, lets face it, I'm not a PG-13 person.  

Vote early and wear a mask.